ED271 Water Cycle

ASSURE Multimedia Lesson Plan

Analyze Learners

22 students

13 females, 9 males

Ages: 9-10

Various socioeconomic backgrounds

Diverse academic skills

Diverse ethnic backgrounds:

Filipinos- 4 (2 females, 2 males)

Chamorro- 8 (5 females, 2 males)

Pacific Islander(Chuuk, Palau, Yap, Pohnpei)- 10 (6 females, 5 males)

Students with Special Needs:

Hearing Disability & English as a Second Language (ESL)

Main Learning Styles:

Diverse learning styles

Visual (ESL)

Kinesthetic (HD)

Prior Knowledge:

This lesson is designed to incorporate the students’ knowledge of:

1. Scientific Method

2. Problem Solving

3. Water Conservation

4. Minor web browsing


Students learn through imitation. Modeling of behavior and task is necessary for this age group.

Learning Styles:

Mostly all students prefer kinesthetic and tactile activities. Some students express pleasure in visual learning and do well in auditory, but do not prefer this type of instruction.

State Objectives

At the end of this lesson, students will be able to complete all tasks with 80% accuracy:

1.   With the use of a computer, Students will navigate to various websites and learn about the water  cycle.

2.      Conducting an experiment, Students will identify the various ways water moves throughout the earth as part of the water cycle.

3.      Creating a diorama, Students will label all the parts of the water cycle.

4.      Given an online quiz of 12 questions, students will be able to identify the correct answers.

Select Instructional Methods, Media, and Materials

Methods- The instructor will begin the lesson by showing a video from Youtube.com http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Cb3SIMRCIE displaying a video about the water cycle.  The teacher will then lead a discussion in class asking questions about the topic. If the Internet is not working the teacher may use Windows Media Player to view the video. The students will do an experiment which can be followed along at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sgVVydSrVM&feature=related. The instructor will facilitate the experiment and supervise each group.  

Media- The lesson will begin with an introduction to the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Cb3SIMRCIE and the website for the lesson which will be on Weebly.com http://ed271watercycle.weebly.com/index.html. The students will do an experiment which can be followed along at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sgVVydSrVM&feature=related.


  • Multimedia projector
  • computers
  • laptop computer
  • computer speakers
  • Internet access for all computers
  • work sheets
  • large plastic container
  • Styrofoam blocks
  • green construction paper
  • ice
  • plastic wrap
  • large rubber band
  • water

Utilize Materials

Preview the Materials

The instructor should be fully aware of all aspects of Youtube.com and Weebly.com and know how to trouble-shoot if the need arises. The instructor will also be aware of how to troubleshoot the multimedia projector as well as a laptop computer. The instructor should check all wiring if there are any defects.

Prepare the Materials

The instructor should do a walk-through in the class to ensure all stations are working properly, all necessary programs are loaded onto the computers and that all computers are able to access the Internet.  All printed material will be ready before the lesson with the appropriate amount of copies.   The large plastic container, Styrofoam blocks, green construction paper, ice, plastic wrap, large rubber band and water will be set in an opposite side of the classroom and will only be utilized by the instructor when needed.   The instructor will ensure 100% control and safety of the students while demonstrating.

Prepare the Environment

The classroom should be checked by the instructor prior to class for adequate lighting, comfort, safety, and to ensure all media is properly working. An emergency contact person and emergency plan should be in place in case something bad happens within the classroom.

Prepare the Learner

The lesson will begin with a safety brief, followed by an introduction from the instructor and then an ice-breaker will be done to introduce students to one another if they do not know each other yet. The safety brief will consist of acceptable and unacceptable behaviors as well as emergency procedures. The instructor will then give an overview of Youtube.com and Weebly.com.  The students will follow along on the web page as the instructor goes over the lesson.

Require Learner Participation

Day 1:
Students will individually create their account to have access to the water cycle website. Students will also navigate the website for future purposes of assignments.
The teacher will introduce the concept of the water cycle by showing a video to captivate the students’ interests.
The teacher will ask the students questions about the video:
-          What do you see in the video?
-          What were some of the processes involved in the water cycle?
-          Based on the video, how does each work?
The teacher will then go further into the different processes of the water cycle (precipitation, evaporation, condensation, etc).

Students will observe an experiment conducted by the teacher and answer questions during and after. The students will conduct an experiment which can be followed along at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sgVVydSrVM&feature=related and answer the questions below.

Questions for students to answer.

  1. What does the water represent in the experiment?
  2. What does the Styrofoam represent in the experiment?
  3. What happens to the water in the experiment?
  4. What term can be used to describe it?
  5. What happened when the ice was placed above the Styrofoam?
  6. What term can be used to describe it?
  7. What did you find on top of the Styrofoam?
  8. What term can be used to describe it?
  9. What term does the experiment demonstrate?

Day 2
Diorama Activity:
Students will work in pairs to create a diorama. After they work on their dioramas, students will help each other to label the parts of the water cycle (precipitation, condensation, evaporation, as well as transpiration and aquifer).
Students will present their diorama to the class and review each other of the different processes.

Day 3:
Students will log in to their accounts to take the online quiz on the water cycle.

Evaluate and Revise


Were open ended questions asked to allow for discussion?
Are questions asked in a way that allows students to explain the reasons for their answers
Were the learning objectives achieved?
Were students able to use the materials provided easily?
Are opportunities for peer feedback and revisions given?
Was assistance given for students who need help navigating through the websites?
Did online questions correspond to the lesson?

A rubric for oral questioning is provided for evaluation.
A rubric for the creation of the product is provided for evaluation.
A rubric for the online quiz is provided for evaluation. Were students able to achieve an 80% or higher on the quiz?

Was equipment able to function smoothly?
Were the guidelines on the class website helpful in assisting students through the procedures of the project?
Were students able to refer back to the website if they do not complete the project?
Is the format of quiz easy to follow?
Do the multiple choice questions provide students with opportunities to use process of elimination?
Will the students need any assistance navigating from one website to the other?


Were there any necessary modifications to the lesson?
How can the lesson be improved?
In case technical difficulties arise, can the lesson be implemented using an alternative method?
Is the website available for students year long as the school year progresses?
Are educational links available for students to do more research about the topic discussed?
Are students able to work in pairs using the website?
Instead of using one computer between groups of two, can other interactive technology tools be used so each student can be online simultaneously?
Can students with hearing and visual impairments utilize the website with modifications?
Are audio tools available for students with hearing impairments?
Is the text easy to read for those with visual impairments and reading learning disabilities?
Do the webpages contain too much text or text that is too small?